On Tuesday, April 10th, a web standards milestone was announced. The new standard is called WebAuthn, and it defines a standard application program interface that can be used for browsers and websites. It may be the beginning to the end of passwords on the internet.
Security online has always been a problem, and although there are many other problems, passwords ultimately creates the biggest problem of privacy online. WebAuthn protects consumers online by allowing them to reveal a credential secret in order to authenticate their identity. Because WebAuthn is written by the FIDO Alliance, FIDO helps to create a way to authenticate the consumer's identity without asking them to reveal a secret (a password).
Google, Microsoft, an d Mozilla have already consented to using WebAuthn for their browsers. and it is starting to be implemented into Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android. Although WebAuthn will probably experience rapid growth, some challenges it might face in the future are catching up to the authentication technologies that are already in place. There are other technologies that work better than FIDO, and they have the advantage of low cost and efficiency. Another problem is the resiliency of passwords; passwords have been used for many years, and some people will probably be uncomfortable with not using them. However, as the benefits of WebAuthn is expressed to the public, it could possibly change the security online forever.
Link: https://www.technewsworld.com/story/Standards-Milestone-Could-Mark-Beginning-of-End-for-Passwords-85268.html
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