Friday, May 11, 2018

Google's Duplex Has Even More Human Qualities

Google unveiled the Duplex, an artificial intelligence voice technology in the early week of May 10. It is supposed to be used with Google Assistant, and it can book your appointments and reservations over the phone. According to Richard Nieva of Cnet, Duplex sounds "jaw-droppingly human." The release of Duplex has created some controversy because in the past, Google had said that they wanted to make sure that people know if they're talking to a robot. However, the Duplex sounds so realistic that it can be mistaken for a human. It even has the ability to identify itself to humans. It uses verbal ticks like "uh" and "um," and it speaks as if it's a real person. This is shown when it pauses before responding as if it is thinking about their reply, and when they sound out certain words as if they want to buy themselves some time to think about what to say.

The creation of this voice technology could be the next step to creating a robot that's on par with a human, but as robots keep growing to mimic humans, problems of deceiving arise. People are questioning whether robots have to identify themselves as robots, or if they should be allowed to just roam free without letting others know that they're a robot.


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