Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Project Resource: Drone Delivery System

Here is a working list of the project resource for AR.Drone Delivery System. Enjoy browsing through the websites, tutorials, tools, reports. Feel free to comment and add to the list whenever you find useful information.

Our project has been divided into three phases:
Phase I - Mark/Tag-Guided Drone Delivery System (02/18/2015 - 04/04/2015)
Phase II(1) - Bebop Drone Delivery System (04/13/2015 - 05/15/2015)
Phase II(2) - Vision-Based Drone Delivery System (04/13/2015 - 05/15/2015)
Phase III - STEM Show Preparation (05/18/2015 - 06/02/2015)
Advanced STEM Research Show: 3:00 PM 06/03/2015

    1. AR Drone Developer Guide, Parrot.
    2. AR.Drone SDK 2.0.1 Download.
    3. ARDrone3 SDK, Parrot.
    4. ARDRONE Open API Platform, Parrot. 

    Third-Party Tools

      1. AutoFlight 0.2 (alpha), LBPC Labs.
      2. AutoPylot, Washington and Lee University.
      3. URBI, Dronehacks.  
      4. Nodecopter, Nodecopter Core.
      5. JavaDrone
      6. ARDroneforP5 (library for Processing)
      7. Ardrone 2.0 Gazebo Simulator, Technical University of Munich.


          1. AR.Drone Tutorials with discussion about OpenCV, Gauth. 
          2. Parrot ARDrone 2.0 Video Streaming through OpenCV in Linux, Petr Kout's Physical Science a& Programming.
          3. Up and Flying with AR.Drone and ROS with discussion about Tag Detection, Mike Hamer.
          4. Make the Drone Following the Image Tag, Drexel University.
          5. AR.Drone Video Processing, Ailab and Moto.
          6. CVDrone: Color object following using OpenCV, Andy Joiner.
          7. Target Tracking with OpenCV, Hugo.  
          8. AR Drone ROS setup, Naval Postgraduate School.
          9. tum_ardrone: Visual navigation using ROS package:, Computer Vision Group, Technical University of Munich.

          OS/Libraries/Platforms/Development Tools

          1. OpenCV
          2. OpenCV IOS.
          3. ROS.
          4. Gazebo.  
          5. Ubuntu.
          6. Eclipse.
          7. Android Studio

          AR.Drone Forums

            1. http://forum.parrot.com/ardrone/en/
            2. https://projects.ardrone.org/projects/ardrone-api/boards
            3. http://www.ardrone-flyers.com/

            Technical Papers

              1. Autonomous Detection And Tracking Of An Object AutonomouslyUsing AR.Drone Quadcopter (2014), Futuhal Arifin, Ricky Arifandi Daniel, and Didit Widiyanto.
              2. Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (2009), Georg Klein and David Murray.
              3. Robust Monocular SLAM in Dynamic Environments (2014), Wei Tan, Haomin Liu, Zilong Dong, Guofeng Zhang and Hujun Bao.
              4.  Accurate Figure Flying with a Quadrocopter Using Onboard Visual and Inertial Sensing (2012), Jakob Engel, Ju ̈rgen Sturm, Daniel Cremers. 
              5. Scale-Aware Navigation of a Low-Cost Quadrocopter with a Monocular Camera (2013), Jakob Engel, Ju ̈rgen Sturm, Daniel Cremers. 
              6. Camera-Based Navigation of a Low-Cost Quadrocopter (2012),Jakob Engel, Ju ̈rgen Sturm, Daniel Cremers.


                1. Autonomous Camera-Based Navigation of a Quadrocopter (2011), Jakob Julian Engel.
                2. An Evaluation Of Detection and Recognition Algorithms To Implement Autonomous Target Tracking With A Quadrotor (2013), O.H. Boyers.
                3. A.R Drone Vision-Guided Searching (2013), Derek Long.
                4. New Idea for Robot (2014), Cheung Chun Yuen, Lam Chun Wai andWong Po Shing.

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