Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Talk for Twice as Long With this New Battery

As technology in the mobile electronics industry has advanced, so has the technology inside the batteries that power these devices. For a long period of time the battery of choice for most electronics producers was one made out of an alloy of nickel and cadmium (NiCd). NiCd batteries are not particularly efficient and manufacturers have been looking for a solution for years. The answer to NiCd batteries was thought to be in Lithium Ion technology (LiPo). The only problem with LiPo batteries is that the are highly unpredictable and tend to catch fire or stop working under certain conditions.
Solid Energy believes that they have found a solution to this unpredictability in LiPo batteries, thus rendering them safe enough to use in consumer electronics. In the past, lithium batteries have tended to react with metal components used in their construction. These reactions form compounds which cause the battery to short circuit and release enough energy to ignite the combustable liquid electrolytes. The solution to this problem in the past has been to replace the "wet cell" electrolytes with "dry cell" electrolytes that do not short circuit. The only problem is that the solid electrolytes used are much less efficient than their liquid counterparts.
To solve this problem Solid Energy has created somewhat of a hybrid battery, in that it uses both dry and wet systems. A thin layer of lithium foil is added in between the liquid electrolytes thus separating them from the lithium walls of the battery's cells. Although this technology is still in it's early stages, it is possible that something like this could be implemented in bigger electronics and eventually cars and machinery.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Max, thanks for sharing. What do you think the effects of having a battery with a longer life can produce?
