Monday, February 26, 2018

A monkey with three loving parents

In the past years, there have been many experiments that have been conducted to create a species with more than two parents to create the offspring. Time and time again this has failed with animals such as mice, and previously monkeys. After seeing that the insertion of the stem cels seemed to be ineffective and perhaps may have died in the animal, the scientists at Oregon National Primate Research Center decided to take a different approach. Since this insertion did nothing, they decided to try even younger embryos which makes it even more flexible and allows it to develop into any type of cell. By having this insertion, they deemed to be successful and the result: three male rhesus macaques—twins Roku and Hex, and the singleton, Chimero. By having this experiment succeed and have three parents for the offspring, it gives hop for scientist to now get this done with humans and other species. Nobody knows how this will turn out to be if it does work with a human. They will have traits from not only two, but now three parents and potentially could work out in their favor.

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