Thursday, February 15, 2018

Robots in the Future of the Mining Industry.

The floor of the ocean is rich with ore, much more than the surface is. This makes underwater mining very valuable. The issue with this is that at deeper points, it is difficult for human operators to mine effectively using the usual machinery. That is why a lot of research and development has gone into robotic vehicles to make this kind of mining possible. The Canadian company, Nautilus Minerals, has created three different robots for this. They are operated from a ship using feedback from the numerous cameras and sensors aboard the mining vehicles. They each serve different purposes too. One clears away the mining site since the bottom of the ocean is often rough. Another digs up the ground and loosens the ore from the rock. The last then sucks up a combination of ore, rock, and sea water, which will be sorted later. This new technology could prove to open up massive new potential for mining companies. Not only this, but technology like this can be applied to other industries besides mining, such as oil companies.

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