Currently a company called Desktop Metal's Studio is building a printer that can 3D print metal. This can make prototyping creations faster and cheaper (essentially more efficient). This new printer can help engineers prototype their ideas and help large companies mass produce their products. In addition, it can use a variety of alloys to make many different structures of different strength. Desktop Metal also offers software that can help make designing a product easier and basic models that can make printing easier.
A place to share inspirations, creative ideas, technical information, opinions,...... for STEM research
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Earbuds that Allow You to Understand Any Language
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to communicate with anyone in the world? To be able to effortlessly understand anyone, because there was no language barrier? Well, GOOGLE has created earphones that can translate 40 different languages and allow you to understand what other people are saying. Currently, laboratory tests show that the languages can be translated fast enough by the earbuds to help people hold a conversation. However, there are many external factors in our regular environment can can potentially hinder the earphones abilities to translate languages quickly. Nevertheless, these earphones have the potential to help break down language barriers across the world.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Walk it , talk it
Every individual that was put on this earth, was placed here for a reason. Each and every person has something special about them that sets them apart from others. What we don't see, is the problems that every individual has to face on their own and how much of an effect it could have on daily life. In the modern world, several people have to deal with Multiple Sclerosis which makes difficulty when walking. Without being able to walk, it puts a lot of pressure on the lives of these people since they aren't allowed to be the free individual that they once were. They now need assistance from a person or technology in order for them to get from point A to point B. Doctors and scientists have to come to see that this is a real problem in our society and a change is needed. They have been through many hours of devotion to enable them to fix this ailment. They have found that they are able to inject new stem cells into the bone marrow of patients dealing with this disease. Once this taken into place, the immune system is completely replaced. This is a one time procedure that has proven to change the outcome of individuals living with this condition.
Fingerprint Recognition Guns!
IDENTILOCK, the Fingerprint Recognition system, claims that their mission is not only to bring new technology to the gun lock world, but it is to prevent gun-related accidents and lift the negative stigma that surrounds firearms. However, the problem with this is that this type of technology is largely untested and not failsafe. Batteries do go dead. Technology glitches do happen. Firearms malfunction as well, but generally speaking, if you keep your tool of self-defense in decent condition and fire and clean it regularly, these types of occurrences are fairly rare. In addition, this technology is very elitist. Guns are not cheap to purchase, and adding this technology only makes it that much more expensive. Although this technology has some negative consequences, however, it could prevent unauthorized discharge of a firearm by children, people attempting to commit suicide, and people untrained to use the weapon.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Tiniest Computer Chip in the World?
The chip on the person's finger in the picture shown above seems pretty small right? And squishing everything that makes up a computer on that tiny chip seems pretty impressive right? Well, that is actually made up of "64 motherboards, each of which holds two of this tiny computer". I don't know about you, but I was mind-blown by that. Below is a picture of the actual computer on a pile of salt.
Can you even see the computer?
Although this isn't a reality yet, IBM is saying that they would create this 1mm x 1mm computer within the next five year. Apparently, they cost less than 10 cents to make as well! The obvious advantage of a tiny chip is that electronics would be build smaller while performing the same (or even better).
Friday, March 23, 2018
Robot Fish
SoFi is a robot fish designed to swim in open water and spy on the fishes living there. It has one eye, and a camera that can record the behaviors of the relationship between the predators and the prey. Scientists at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory created it, and they created SoFi with the motive of not impacting the natural habitat of the fish, and not rising any suspicions among the fish in that specific area.
There have already been test runs for SoFi, including one in Fiji's Rainbow Reef, where SoFi swam for 40 minutes in 50 feet of water. A diver was able to control the robot from 32 feet away using a Super Nintendo controller. The movement of SoFi is said to be graceful, smooth, and independent.
The introduction of this fish-like robot can help biologists to collect data and observations about ocean life. The creation of the robot fish can also lead to the creation of other animals, which can lead to further analysis of wildlife.
There have already been test runs for SoFi, including one in Fiji's Rainbow Reef, where SoFi swam for 40 minutes in 50 feet of water. A diver was able to control the robot from 32 feet away using a Super Nintendo controller. The movement of SoFi is said to be graceful, smooth, and independent.
The introduction of this fish-like robot can help biologists to collect data and observations about ocean life. The creation of the robot fish can also lead to the creation of other animals, which can lead to further analysis of wildlife.
Friday, March 16, 2018
What AI Can Do to Music

If you've ever made music using synthesizers before, you'll probably be confused as how artificial intelligence can change your creation experience. Google's new NSynth Super is an AI-backed touchscreen synthesizer. The NSynth generates sounds of real instruments, learns the core qualities of each individual sound, and then is able to combine sounds to create something completely new. The NSynth is split into 4 sections, each assigned a particular instrument. You can mix sounds by gliding your finger across multiple cells; however, the unique part of the NSynth is that it doesn't just layer sounds on top of one another; it synthesizes an entirely new sound based on the qualities of each sound. However, a drawback to the NSynth is that it is expensive and isn't 100% user friendly.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Humans Fired a Burger Flipping Robot
Flippy, a robot built by Miso Flippy, is called "the world's first autonomous robotic kitchen assistant." It was used for a helper for fast-food restaurants. Flippy was made to operate with humans and to increase the speed in which fast-food restaurants could provide food. Flippy is especially talented in cooking and grill maintenance, and it has a spatula-tipped arm.
Although Flippy was made to assist humans, he ended up grilling patties faster than humans could assemble burgers. He was fired after two days. Flippy has an arm that can hold a spatula or grill scraper, and he also has a cloud-based AI and thermal vision that help it to determine how cooked the burger is. His skills proved to be too much for humans to handle, and he acted more as a human worker than an assistant.
Although Flippy was made to assist humans, he ended up grilling patties faster than humans could assemble burgers. He was fired after two days. Flippy has an arm that can hold a spatula or grill scraper, and he also has a cloud-based AI and thermal vision that help it to determine how cooked the burger is. His skills proved to be too much for humans to handle, and he acted more as a human worker than an assistant.
Can your phone help you detect abnormalities in your body?
Scientists at Washington University in St. Louis have discovered a way in incorporate ultrasound technology in smartphones in order to help people detect abnormalities in their bodies. These Ultrasound Probes are in USB form and able to be connected to your smartphone, so that when your body is being screened, the images will appear on your phone. It can help image organs such as kidneys and livers, in addition to veins, in order to help people see the activities inside their bodies. This medical imaging is effective and convenient, and has the potential to help people in areas of the world where technology, especially medical technology, is not easily accessible. It could also help people with diseases control and adjust the amount of medicine they have to take by themselves through the changes in activity in their body.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
The Future of Entertainment
James Ryan is working on a project that plays a podcast that is different for everyone. The podcast is called "Sheldon's County", and to listen to it, the person must first input a random number. This would start-up a process that creates random characters, relationships, and everything else that would make a juicy story. This would then be turned into text, which would be read by a voice synthesizer. Surprisingly, for his project, Ryan turns to old-fashioned AI techniques that guide the process through a set of rules and instructions instead of modern AI techniques. He says that modern AI techniques are not as helpful because they are more about mining data to look for patterns (deep learning). Although Sheldon's County is still very young in progress, it shows us a glimpse of what the future of entertainment might look like.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Artificial Embryos to create human life
Scientists from the University of Michigan have discovered that the growth of stem cells resemble structures of initial forms of human embryos. The only difference, is that the stem cells are unable to form organs such as the brain in order to provide human functions. In addition, embryos grown in labs die after a little more than a week. Still, to scientists, this proves that stem cells are able to remember the bodily functions that cells are suppose to do and grow to, which gives scientists hope that they will one day be able to grow humans in laboratories. However, there are ethical concerns regarding experiments such as these, and "embryos" cannot be studied for more than two weeks. Despite this, these scientists hope that their discoveries will one day allow them to grow human organs that can be given to people in need. The result will be that organ donations will no longer be necessary, because people who need new organs will be able to easily access he ones grown in laboratories.
A Wristband That Tells You If You're Too Drunk to Drive
A wristband that can monitor your blood alcohol content was created, and it has begun shipping at full production capacity in late 2017. Drunk driving is a huge problem in the modern world, and there are breathalyzers that people can use to measure their blood alcohol content, they are inefficient and awkward to use. Proof is a wristband that can analyze your blood alcohol content through your skin. This can help prevent the amount of drunk driving accidents.
Gadgets like these can help society today refrain from creating accidents, but as technology grows, the self driving car industry will also grow and come to replace many things. Although this gadget is useful now, in the future, when self-driving cars are the main form of transportation, this gadget will not be useful anymore because people will no longer need to know how to drive.
Gadgets like these can help society today refrain from creating accidents, but as technology grows, the self driving car industry will also grow and come to replace many things. Although this gadget is useful now, in the future, when self-driving cars are the main form of transportation, this gadget will not be useful anymore because people will no longer need to know how to drive.
Frozen in Time
As life goes on, new advancements are being made in every field of the world and we have no idea about it. For all we know, there could be a rocket taking off to go to space right now. Humans keep making incredible inventions, and along with these new inventions, comes higher level products. We seem to have all the tools we could need in this world we just need to find out where and how to use them. The human species have done incredible things which is why preserving our lives for the longest time possible has been the goal for scientists for many years. Recently, they have found that when freezing/cooling something it seems to stay in tact for longer and store everything the way it was left. This ideology was applied to humans and the after life. Researches have found that by freezing the human and injecting special stem cells, we can actually "freeze them in time" and revive them on a later date. Mr. Kowalski who is a big founder of this invention says that if he can do something this amazing, maybe one day some scientist will unfreeze these humans and use reverse engineering to revive them. There are still many tests to be done and research to be conducted before this actually starts to take effect and potentially change the way humans live.
Monday, March 5, 2018
New Blood
While doing research, I came across the topic of stem cells in the human anatomy and how big of a role it actually plays. There are many complications that come with blood transfusions and just dealing with blood in general. Recent studies have shown how with these stem cells, we are able to have more efficient transfusions and less issues. Scientists have been studying this for many years and are finally able to include their discovery in everyday life and help. They plan to do this by increasing the number of stem cells. By doing this, we have a limitless supply of clean blood that is ready for use.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Humans Teaching Robots to Fight Back
In this article by Live Science, Tia Ghose reveals that a robot dog that can fight off a human has been created. There was a video of a robot dog refusing to let the human get in his way of opening the door. It is said that when the dog is trying to open the door and a human comes to try to move the dog away from the door knob, the robot dog continues to open the door and stands there while the human tries to move him away.
Normally, robots are made to help humans and perform tasks that humans wouldn't want to do themselves, and this robot dog has these features. However, this robot dog created by Boston Dynamics isn't designed to help people in a disaster situation. He is more like an assistant, and he has more capabilities than a disaster robot. This robot is designed to be able to maneuver through challenges like doorways. slippery floors, and other obstacles. Giving robots the ability to fight back to their creators makes them more and more like humans. Maybe in the future, robot pets similar to live animals will be created and replace them.
Normally, robots are made to help humans and perform tasks that humans wouldn't want to do themselves, and this robot dog has these features. However, this robot dog created by Boston Dynamics isn't designed to help people in a disaster situation. He is more like an assistant, and he has more capabilities than a disaster robot. This robot is designed to be able to maneuver through challenges like doorways. slippery floors, and other obstacles. Giving robots the ability to fight back to their creators makes them more and more like humans. Maybe in the future, robot pets similar to live animals will be created and replace them.
An Upgrade to Security Cameras

Although the AI smart security camera is a good way to secure your home, its necessity is debatable.
ROBORACE is going to be the world first robotic racing series. They are using something they call devbot which is a version of their car with a drivers seat so that they can program on move. Their devbot can go 137 mile per hour but their race cars will be able to go 207 miles an hour.
roborace youtube
roborace youtube
The Fingerprint Sensor on Your phone is Not Safe!
A touch of a finger can unlock a phone with no password. However, this convenience has left a gaping security hole. New findings published monday by researchers at NYU and Michigan State University suggests that smartphones can easily be fooled by fake fingerprnts digitally composed of many common features found in human print. In computer simulations, the researchers from the universities were able to develop a set of artificial "Masterprints" that could match real prints similar to those used by phones as much as 65% of the time. The researchers did not test their approach with real phones, and other security experts said the match rate would significantly lower in real life conditions. Still, the findings raised troubling questions about the effectiveness of fingerprint security on smartphones. Full human fingerprints are difficult to falsify, but the fingerscarrs on phones are so small they only read partial fingerprints. Phonemakers can increase security by adding a larger fingerprint scanner and adding some newer biometric security options, such as an iris scanner. Also, phone user can protect themselves by turning off fingerprint authentification for their most sensitive apps, such as mobile payments.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Detecting Heart Disease Through the Eye
Recently scientists have been able to combine artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to help detect and predict patterns of heart disease in a person. This procedure is non-invasive, because it involves the use of cameras to observe the blood vessels behind the eyes of a patient, and then, judging from previously observation patterns from other people (Databases), the program is able to predict the trajectory of a patients heart health throughout their lives. This method is more efficient than other methods of testing for heart disease, because the results come back faster and it is non-invasive (less harmful to the body). By looking at the changes in pressure and flow of the blood vessels behind a patients eyes, the machine is able to help provide the health of your heart, so preventative measures can be taken early on. This is ultimately also help lower the expense of healthcare, because preventative measures are less expensive than that of measures taken when heart disease is in its later stages.
New York Faces A Big Cyber Threat
New York is the home of the most valuable stock exchange in the entire world. In the past 2 years there has been an increase in Cyber Attacks due to the wanting of money and people's personal information by black hat hackers. Right now, the NYDFS is very worried about their bank's online security since the number of online banking hacks has increased over the course of the past 2 years. The whole point of a bank is that the people trust the banks to hold their money, and if their money and information get stolen, the bank will lose the people's trust. That is the biggest fear of the NYDFS, is to lose all consumers due to Cyber Attacks, therefore, they are making big changes to their CyberSecurity regulations.
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