Thursday, March 8, 2018

Frozen in Time

As life goes on, new advancements are being made in every field of the world and we have no idea about it. For all we know, there could be a rocket taking off to go to space right now. Humans keep making incredible inventions, and along with these new inventions, comes higher level products. We seem to have all the tools we could need in this world we just need to find out where and how to use them. The human species have done incredible things which is why preserving our lives for the longest time possible has been the goal for scientists for many years. Recently, they have found that when freezing/cooling something it seems to stay in tact for longer and store everything the way it was left. This ideology was applied to humans and the after life. Researches have found that by freezing the human and injecting special stem cells, we can actually "freeze them in time" and revive them on a later date. Mr. Kowalski who is a big founder of this invention says that if he can do something this amazing, maybe one day some scientist will unfreeze these humans and use reverse engineering to revive them. There are still many tests to be done and research to be conducted before this actually starts to take effect and potentially change the way humans live.

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