Flippy, a robot built by Miso Flippy, is called "the world's first autonomous robotic kitchen assistant." It was used for a helper for fast-food restaurants. Flippy was made to operate with humans and to increase the speed in which fast-food restaurants could provide food. Flippy is especially talented in cooking and grill maintenance, and it has a spatula-tipped arm.
Although Flippy was made to assist humans, he ended up grilling patties faster than humans could assemble burgers. He was fired after two days. Flippy has an arm that can hold a spatula or grill scraper, and he also has a cloud-based AI and thermal vision that help it to determine how cooked the burger is. His skills proved to be too much for humans to handle, and he acted more as a human worker than an assistant.
Link: https://www.livescience.com/61994-flippy-burger-flipping-robot-flops.html