Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Can Chevy go from Volt to Bolt

GM pioneered the field of mid priced consumer electric vehicle when they began production of the Chevy Volt. Although the volt was a first of it's kind, it left much to be desired. The biggest problem with the volt is that it could only travel a distance of 38 miles when using only battery power. Chevy's new electric car, the Bolt seems to present some very enticing technology advancements that could solve this issue. The details of the new battery that will supply this power have not been released to the consumer yet, but the idea behind the new Bolt is that it will have a 200 miles range similar to the Tesla. Large Lithium Ion batteries have been primarily produced by the Tesla motor company and due to this, no other companies have been able to develop a foothold in the market. A new electric car in the price range of $30,000 compared to the $94,000 that Teslas sell for could have a huge impact on the future of personal motor vehicles.

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