Friday, January 16, 2015

Other Planets May Be More Hospitable to Live

Scientist in the University of Toronto have discovered that exoplanets, planets outside of our solar system, may have liquid water and have better conditions than we thought that they did. Previous belief was that these planets would only have one hemisphere in the light of their star, meaning that a whole side of the planet is permanently dark and cold. This would also mean that all of the water in that side of the planet would be in frozen glaciers. Research has shown that this belief is wrong and that these planets orbit around their star having day and night cycles much like planet Earth. If these planets can sustain potential oceans than their climate might be more hospitable than we thought.

To read more:


  1. If they are really hospitable, then that's great! But the biggest challenge is going to be getting us there.

  2. What type of evidence do the researchers have that explains how the exoplanets orbit around their star similar to how the Earth revolves around the sun?
