Sunday, January 25, 2015

Humboldt Squids Can Flash and Flicker

Some squids are capable of changing there skin color with a quick flash or flicker. Scientists have not been able to find a reason for this until now. Marine biologists outfitted some humboldt squid in the gulf of California with video cameras in order to see how they use their color changing skin cells. What they found was interesting. Humboldt squids tend to change their skin color when near another squid, almost like a communication method. When they are near the surface of the water, their skin turns to a sunlight color in order to camouflage themselves.


  1. Hi Ben,thanks for sharing. What environmental factors do you think caused the Humboldt squid to evolve in such a way where using pigmentation to communicate is necessary?

  2. Building off what Ryan said, do you think further analyzation of this could reveal whether or not we could implement this into the communications of robots with one and other?
