Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Drinking Moderate Amounts of Alcohol Can Reduce Risk of Heart Failure

Research and evidence has already shown that moderate drinking can prevent heart conditions, but research for the effects of drinking on heart failure has not been extensive. Although a recent study of about 15,000 men and women has shown that drinking about seven drinks a week can reduce the risk of heart failure up to 20% for men and 15% for women. This study compares these men and women to men and women who did not drink at all. This drinking also must be very controlled and moderate because abusing it can cause worse health problems like liver failure. Researchers have also studied causes of death and found that for men and women who drank more than 21 drinks a week, their risk of death went up 47% for men and 89% for women.

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  1. It is interesting because alcohol has such a bad stigma to it even though it has some health benefits. I believe the reason this is,is because there is a fine line between the positive aspects and negative aspects of alcohol.

  2. I had heard this about wine, but not about alcohol as a whole. Is there any other scientific reasons behind why moderate alcohol use could be beneficial for the heart?

    1. Allen to answer your question, wine, especially red wine had a significant amount of polyphenol antioxidants similar to the ones found in chocolate, coffee, and tea. I think the lesson of this- everything in moderation.

  3. Do different types of alcohol benefit you differently? For example, would hard liquor prevent heart disease better than wine because there is more alcohol in it?

    1. Hard liquor, unlike red wine does not have a significant antioxidant boost. The benefits from wine come from the skin of red grapes, which are abundant with phytochemicals that do wonders for one's health. Hard liquor often does not contain grapes (unless it's brandy, which is distilled wine), and if it does, the sensitive antioxidant are usually stripped during the distillation process.

  4. I have heard many similar stories to this one. I also recently posted a report on a pill that reduces the process of aging and they recommended in the report to supplement the pill with nutrients found in red wine.
