Wednesday, January 21, 2015

DNA of Humans Is Much Closer To Chimps Than We Thought

A new scientific discovery has shown that human traits can only be attributed to about 7.5 percent of the genome, meaning that we are almost identical to chimpanzees in DNA, but the way that our bodies process the DNA is what makes us look and think different from chimpanzees. Scientists have also found out that it is the difference in proteins and how they bond to DNA strands that creates the difference in processing with the human body and chimpanzee body.

More on this here:



  1. I remember hearing about the epigenome in AP Biology, which I think could partially be why chimps and humans are still very different even with very similar DNA sequences.

  2. Hi Ben, thanks for sharing. I noticed you said the human genome is much closer to that of the chimps than previously speculated. What do you think this study implies?
