Monday, September 22, 2014

Folding Screens are the Future

Samsung has recently released a prototype for a flexible HD AMOLED display. This display can be folded and turned. This si super useful for screens on curved surfaces such as armbands and curved TVs. The prototype is a Windows phone that is touch capable, which is remarkable for a flexible display. The flexible display is made of a plastic substrate and Graphene, which is not only 10 times stronger than steel, but flexible, see-through and conductive of electricity. Graphene will change the way that technology will be produced in the future. People will be able to carry around screens on their T-shirts, or fold displays onto curved mirrors in cars. 



  1. This is really cool, although I wonder if it can break. Also, is this available in the market now, or is it still in development?

  2. Wow, this is very interesting. Reminds me of the recent I Phone 6 problem of bending although in its case it wasn't supposed to. If this phone makes it to the market do you think it would be costly?

  3. Call me old fashioned, but what are the practical uses of a bendable phone. I just imagine that someone takes it out of their pocket and it looks like spoon.

  4. I agree with Vasil because I don't think many consumers would want a bendable phone in their pocket. I would imagine that it would feel uncomfortable.
