Monday, September 29, 2014

Life in Outer Space

A complex organic molecule has been found in a star forming cloud 27,000 light years away from earth. This complex organic molecule is called Iso-propyl cyanid. This organic molecule has a branched carbon backbone that is complex enough to create life. This molecule has the prospect as being a foundation for being a building block for life. Various organic molecules have been found in space but this is the only one that has a carbon backbone that can create life. This organic compound is the closest thing that we have found to what we have here on earth. This compound also has a backbone of amino acids. If amino acids like these are widespread through the galaxy then more life can also be out there as well, 
Read more:
Complex organic molecule found in interstellar space


  1. This is very interesting. I guess this may prove the theory that in this large and ever-expanding universe, we cannot be the only form of life.

  2. Does any Iso-propyl cyanid exist on Earth, either naturally or artificially?

  3. Something that recently popped up was dead organic cell on a meteorite that impacted with Earth. Just wondering if this has any connection to it in terms of composition and where it came from.

  4. This is great news! However, although iso-propyl cyanid is a start, wouldn't there need to be a lot more present molecules in order for there to be sustainable life?
