Friday, September 19, 2014

Advanced STEM Research 2014-2015 Project Kickoff

After the brainstorming and initial planning phase, we came up four student-initiated research projects. Students have also grouped themselves autonomously to pursue their goals. Here are the groups and their project proposals.
  1. Drone Delivery System by Vasil, Gui, Sebastian L., Ben and Arianna.
    The students or staffs in school frequently need to deliver things such as attendance sheets, and supplies between different floors and rooms. It is time consuming and not efficient. The idea behind this project is to develop a drone-based delivery system that can carry light-weight goods and perform point-to-point delivery.  The project proposal is here
  2. Biofeedback in Gaming by Ryan, Helana and Andres.
    Improve gaming experience by incorporating bio-feedback such as heart rates, brainwaves, etc. Image your game will change and react to your nervousness, anger, fear, happiness, etc. They plan to use the open source code from Nevermind (a startup that used cardiac feedback to change gaming experience) and build on top of it. The project proposal is here.
  3. Regenerative Walking by Max and Allen.
    The limitation of battery power for mobile devices is always an annoying problem faced by many people in daily life. To charge our mobile devices on the go by harvesting the kinetic energy while walking is a great way to resolve this problem. The goal of the project is to develop a wearable device that can generate power through walking. The project proposal is here
  4. Doctor Networking by Esteban and Sebastian C. 
    This project will contribute to the networking between doctors. Different doctors from different fields will be able to connect into this database and record their findings. These will then be able to be viewed and browsed by other doctors who are also part of the same database. This will be implemented into an website and maybe an app. This database will open new doors for the diagnosing of different illnesses, and make doctors' work more efficiently. The project proposal is here.  

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