Monday, September 22, 2014

Using polymers to build solar cells

UChicago-Argonne National Lab team improves solar-cell efficiency
This article is describing the attempt to build solar cells that are reliant on polymers, the molecule that makes up plastics. The polymer allows the electricity in the cell to flow more easily, making it a useful tool in the creation of solar panels/cells. At this point, this new polymer can achieve up to 8.2% efficiency. With that being said, there is work being done on an improved polymer which is predicted to have up to 15% efficiency. This is exciting as solar energy can be the solution to the energy problem. The more breakthroughs in this field, the better for society. 
You can find more about this here.


  1. This is great! If they can produce enough energy, then they may be used in every plastic material in our daily lives, like water bottles. Are there any disadvantages to this?

  2. This is great because it is taking solar energy/power to a whole new level. I noticed that Gui also commented about possibly using it in every day life. That sounds like good use of this advancement, however it does seem a bit costly. Do you know how much a square inch of the "plastic" would go for?
