Friday, September 26, 2014

Tesla Motors Shares Electric Car Technology With Everyone

A major problem in our society is cars running on gasoline. For starters gas has become more expensive. Because people cannot simply stop paying for the gas that powers their cars it becomes even harder for them to prosper in the struggling economy. Gas is an even greater problem because of the terrible effects it has on the environment. To prevent gas from leading to more struggle in the economy and ruining our environment to a further extent, car companies, such as Tesla Motors, have invested in manufacturing cars that run on electrical power rather than gas. However, the amount of success that Tesla has had over the years has not been outstanding because there are many more companies who are still producing cars that run on gasoline. This is why Tesla has recently announced that they will be releasing their electric car technology with everyone. The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, stated that they are doing this because the electric vehicle landscape is so limited (statistics show that electric vehicle represent less than one percent of major automakers' sales). By making their technology available to even their competitors, Musk hopes that there will be more advancements and production of electric cars. If this were to happen then in a few years the demand for the electric cars would increase and the demand for cars running on gasoline would decrease.

To learn more about Tesla and their technology, click on the link below:

1 comment:

  1. Unselfish move by Tesla, but one that can only serve to benefit the consumer. With companies having knowledge of this electric car technology, the level of competition should increase, resulting in higher quality products.
