Friday, September 26, 2014

Memory Implants

A biomedical engineer and neuroscientist, Theodore Berger has been brainstorming ways to help those with memory loss, such as patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's   Berger is in the process of creating a chip that can be implanted in people's brains that can assist in the creation of long term memories.  Despite his critics who believe he has gone out of his mind, he hasn't given up and sees potential in his vision.  So far he has experimented with the chip on rats and monkeys and found that it to have functioned just like real neurons.  Because the Hippocampus is a part of the brain that controls what is kept in the long-term memory, Berger wanted to focus on what the code was that neutrons in the Hippocampus use to form long-term memories.  By training rats to do one thing over and over he was able to trace how the signals in the brain turned into long-term memories.  From this Berger believed he cracked the code.  Although Berger still has a long way to go because there are still a lot of gray areas and questions unanswered.  

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really interesting but also presents some health dangers. Is there a risk of humans falsifying lost long-term memories with these memory implants?
