Wednesday, December 17, 2014

3D Printed Dress

As 3D printing becomes a greater deal, people are expanding the range as to what can be printed.  Nervous System, a design studio, has created a 3D printed dress that feels like a real dress.  Using a software called Kinematics, the dress starts out as a model in a CAD program and then broken down into a variety of triangles.  After that, hinges are attached to the triangles through the use of algorithms.  This was a difficult task for the team because the hinges had to be small enough so that there could be movement between the triangles, but thick enough so that the attachment does not break.  These combinations of triangles allow the dress to flow freely.  Currently, producing the dress takes about two days and would sell for $3,000.  Although this is the case, Nervous System is figuring out away to print them more efficiently and cost effectively.

Read more at:


  1. 3D printing seems to be taking over a lot of industries. I heard that you can now 3d print food, which still sounds crazy to me.

  2. I believe that once Nervous System finds a way to make 3D printing more efficient, then 3D printing is going to take over the world.

  3. What materials can be used when you are using a 3D printer?

    1. Many materials can be used such as ABS plastic, PLA, polyamide (nylon), stereolithography materials, silver, titanium, steel, wax, photopolymers, etc. In the case of this dress, they are using plastic.

  4. Is it available for commercial use?

    1. I believe you can currently buy it, however, it is very expensive. They are still figuring out a way to produce them more efficiently so that it'll cost less. Once they do that then they will be more obtainable.
