Sunday, December 14, 2014

4 Hour Flights are Nearing Reality

Imagine a plane that could both fly us around the earth in 8 hours and take us to space. This is the idea of the British firm called Reaction Engines with their new airplane design. This opens a whole new opportunity for commercial air flight and space travel. The new engine that will allow this is called the "Sabre Engine" and is supported by a technology that allows it to get cooled for more than 1000 degrees Celsius in 0.01 seconds. The firm is now in the development stage for this groundbreaking plane, however with the 1.1 billion dollar price tag, it may have its downsides. 


  1. I hope that one day this plane becomes more economic because I would love to go to space!

  2. Besides the price tag, what are the other "downsides" that you mentioned at the end?

  3. Although the engine itself may make it to space, are they also working on the plane itself? What type of planes will the engines be running on?

  4. This sounds like an amazing idea, but how does safety come into play. There are already a few airplane accidents every year so would speeding up flights increase the amount of accidents?
