Friday, December 5, 2014

Exoskeletons Are Changing Lives

We've heard of exoskeletons being used in the military before, and this field seems to be moving along slowly, but surely. However, exoskeletons are finding a field that can be much more helpful to society: rehabilitation.
Ekso Bionics has created an exoskeleton that is meant to help patients who can't walk get back on their feet (literally) and slowly work towards being able to walk again. The suit uses pressure sensors to detect when the wearer wants to take a step forward, and it is so effective that patients walk up to 300 steps on their first try. It also has something they call variable assist, which allows the patient to use as much of his/her own strength as possible, which is perfect for rehabilitation. While it is not currently available for the public, Ekso Bionics is working towards making the suit more independent (as of right now it requires a personal trainer to work with the patient) and available to clinics. It is a great step forward towards helping paraplegics walk again, and it has a giant psychological effect, as it reminds them what walking feels like again.
More information along with a great video telling the story of a patient who used this suit can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that more research and work has been put in on exoskeleton suits because they can be used in the military and they can help those who have physical disabilities.
