Monday, December 1, 2014

Made In Space Transports and Replicates First 3D Printed Object on Space Station

Zero-G installed in the Microgravity Science Glovebox in the Columbus module on the ISS.

3D printing has been making big strides lately. It has literally skyrocketed to space, actually will be coming down soon as well. Scientists at NASA have sent a 3D printing module to the ISS where experiments will be conducted. Because of zero-g conditions, 3D printing has to be done in a more complicated way in order to be used properly. The initial test for the 3D printer was panel for the machine itself. Not something too interesting in all honesty, but a worthy test of capabilities. In addition, actual test objects will printed both on earth and on the ISS so they could be compared. This will provide scientist with information on what needs to be changed for future versions of the printer.

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