Saturday, December 20, 2014


Hyperloop: the new transportation system created by SpaceX founder and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk that will be ready for passengers in approximately 10 years. This new transportation system could cut travel time between Los Angeles and San Francisco down to 35 minutes. This is incredible because the trip typically takes 12 hours by Amtrak train, and more than six hours by car. This transportation system would carry passengers in pods moving as fast as 800 miles per hour. The project is approximately anywhere between $7 billion and $19 billion. Hyperloop CEO Dirk Adhlborn said that the price range is due to the unpredictability of prices for materials and other expensive over the next decade. He also says that if he finds it too difficult to build the inaugural Hyperloop in California, he may choose to build it in another country. To learn more about Hyperloop, visit the link provided below.


  1. Wouldn't the pod just burn up due to the immensely high speeds at which it travels? Nevertheless, this seems like a neat, futuristic proposal.

  2. If this is successful, I am sure no matter how expensive the trip would cost, many would ride in it. It reminds me to the transportation pods in the Polar Express that the elves rode in.
