Saturday, December 6, 2014

New research paves the way for nano-movies of biomolecules

"Scientists have caught a light sensitive biomolecule at work using an X-ray laser. Their new study proves that high speed X-ray lasers can capture the fast dynamics of biomolecules in ultra slow-motion, revealing subtle processes with unprecedented clarity."
The biomolecule processes that occur in the human body are very hard to capture due to the high velocity that they happen in. But with this new breakthrough, scientists can shoot a high speed X-ray at a biomolecule and capture the light that is refracted. Scientists are then able to use this refracted light to create a moving image of the process.


  1. Can you explain a little more in-depth how this is impactful? I don't really understand the importance of capturing a light sensitive biomolecule.

  2. Now that they have this technology and now that this breakthrough has been made, how can we use it towards our benefit? Are their any diseases or things that we can now detect?
