Sunday, December 7, 2014

California's Drought Might be a Look Into the Future

Currently California is having the worst drought it has had in 1,200 years. Scientists have been able to track the droughts in California through tree rings. Tree rings can tell us vital information about the climate of a region and how dry the earth was. The fact that there was not much rain or snow this year doesn't really matter in the big picture. There have been years where the earth was less dry despite the fact that there was much less rain and snowfall than this year. The reason why this drought is bad is because of the extreme heat that is scorching the soil. Climate change is warming the soil, creating terrible droughts despite sufficient rainfall. This could be a look into the future of our Earth and how dry it will be if climate change continues.

More information on this here:


  1. This is scary. If the climate changes to the point where every country is like this, then the future will look very bleak.

  2. Have you done any research on what we can do to improve our climate so that in the future our Earth does not look like the picture you posted?

  3. If these climate changes continue to happen and the soil continues to heat up then what will the long term damages be? Will agriculture also become a problem?

  4. This can be a great danger for the future. This is a difficult situation because although we are hurting the planet, there is really nothing we can do about it. As technology advances, I believe there is only room for more harm, which is scary.

  5. I think this would be good reason for people to realize how valuable water is. With all of its uses, we are starting to take water for granted and one day it may come back to prove us wrong.
