Monday, December 15, 2014

BPG: A new, superior image format that really ought to kill off JPEG

For years we have been accustomed to JPEG photo files and have never questioned them. They are easily accessible by basically every computer in the world and their quality is never much of an issue. However, like the article states, JPEG is still one of those few remaining "dinosaurs" from the beginning of the internet. Is it time for a change?

link to article
Better Portable Graphics, or BPG, is the new replacement for JPEG. It offers a higher image quality at half the file size. This is due to its advanced algorithm, ability to render 14 bits per color channel (instead of 8), and like a PNG it brings an alpha channel (transparency). Overall the BPG sounds like a much better choice but its biggest flaw is its lack of support. Considering it is a new file format computers, phones, tablets, devices in general, are not programmed to support BPGs. Perhaps in the future there will be a way to easily access BPG files but for now that is something the creators are working on. 


  1. This could be really useful. It would be great if the pictures I have on my computer took up less space.

  2. I really hope that BPG gains more support in the future because of the fact that it offers higher image quality at half the file size.

  3. Although replacing JPEG would be beneficial, why does that take precedent over other image formats such as .gif or .png?
