Sunday, December 14, 2014

Flexible 3D Touchscreens

NBC Flex- The Transparent Film Transforms Any Surface Into Flexible 3D Touchscreen-1

In the not so distant future, the idea of malleable screens may become a reality. A Finnish group called Canatu has been working to develop a carbon nanobud screen which can be used in a similar fashion to glass screens. The properties of this malleable screen come from the chemical makeup of carbon nano tubing that can maintain conductivity even when displaced by 120% of its original location. The by having a surface that is easy to curve, the applications of this new technology are endless when applied to design. Some uses range from the car dashboards to computer parts. 


  1. I believe that people would actually want to buy this because it would mean that their phone would never break.

  2. This is neat. And the screens any more resilient or prone to scratches as glass screens are?

  3. Do you know how flexible these tablets will be? Will it be able to fold in half?
