Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tons of Plastic In Oceans

Microplastic pollution is filling various oceans across the globe. Around 269,000 tons of plastic may be floating around the earth's oceans. To better understand the severity of the issue and how much plastic there is in the ocean, scientist from six different countries came together to collect data. Based on the data collected scientist "estimate a minimum of 5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing nearly 269,000 tons in the world's oceans." All of this plastic in the ocean is a huge danger to marine life all across the world. Marine animals are dying and habitats are being destroyed. Plastic waste is being dumped into the ocean and the consequences are beginning to show.


  1. Reminds me of the Texas sized float of garbage in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Florida. Make me wonder how people are ever going to deal with such a massive problem.

  2. The statistics show that something needs to be done or else marine life will continue to die.

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