Saturday, November 29, 2014

Asteroids as Gas Stations in Space

Scientists have discovered that we can use asteroids as gas stations in space. This is because some asteroids contain water, in the form of ice, other frozen gases, and metals. By mining these raw materials, they could provide the air, water, fuel and other consumables necessary to support permanent settlements in space. This is important because carrying water into space is very expensive and requires large rockets that consume a massive amount of fuel. Instead of this, it is much more practical and efficient to use the resources already in space to overcome these problems. By using asteroids as gas stations it would ultimately allow people to travel further at a lower cost.

Asteroids also contain metals. From the asteroids that have fallen to Earth, we already know that they contain iron, rhodium, iridium, rhenium, osmium, ruthenium, palladium, germanium, gold, and platinum. This supports the theory that these metals exist in asteroids, they just have to be found and mined in space.

Currently, mining and living in space seems like a real possibility with the availability of water, fuel and high value elements. However, there is still a lot of technology that still needs to be developed before off-Earth mining can become a reality. To learn more about this, go to the website provided below.


  1. Is there definite proof that the water on these asteroids is safe to consume?

    1. - This article confirms that the water is safe to consume.

  2. I heard that NASA is sending people to Mars permanently to form settlements. Maybe this is a method that they could use in case they run low on supplies.

    1. Yeah, I've also heard that they are planning on permanent settlement in the moon as well.

  3. Hi Andres, thank you for sharing. This idea sounds great but I think the risks outweigh the benefits. An asteroid location is never static, so would it really be a good idea to put a refueling station on a place that never remains the same?

    1. Ryan you bring up a really good point. Not once did I think about the fact that asteroids are always moving while I was writing this. I need to do more research to understand how scientists plan to overcome this.

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