Saturday, November 29, 2014

Paper-Thin Lighting Paper

Rohinni, a small company has created a paper thin sheet that emits light. This sheet currently does not have any commercial applications but it has a lot of economical potential. It works by combining ink and LEDs in a surface that conducts electricity together to create an ultra thin flexible sheet capable of emitting light. Currently, this version of the sheet does not distribute the LEd's evenly but Rohinni's second version plans to fix that problem. This new invention has possible applications wallpaper, watches, smartphones, or anything facet that could use some light. The company sees this as a revolution from moving away from bulbous light bulbs to embracing something paper thin.


  1. Replies
    1. The durability of the lights have not been revealed yet.

  2. Do the lights heat up the paper? If so, won't it burn eventually?

    1. The large surface area of the lighting paper prevents the product from overheating
