Sunday, November 30, 2014

Clime House Thermometers

A new type of thermometer has been invented that is basically a small, compact, 3D printed block of plastic with sensors on it. The idea behind this thermometer is that it would go outside your house and sense the temperature, then send the temperature reading to your smartphone. This is the most accurate way to tell how cold or warm it is outside without having to use the weather channel. These thermometers are not limited to the outside of your house. You can place them on any wall in any room of the house and get an accurate temperature reading. In addition to temperature, Clime can monitor the humidity, the ambient light of the room, the UV index, location and any movement around the sensor. This is very useful for someone traveling to a vacation home who is in need of accurate weather reading at the home. Eventually these sensors will be able to sense sound, take video and prevent break-ins. Clime is currently a crowdfunded idea and the inventors have pledged a $50,000 goal.

More on Clime sensors here:


  1. Hi Ben, thanks for sharing. Currently, many of the modern thermometer have smartphone connection capabilities. What makes the Clime better than its competitors?

  2. Maybe this will one day be more accurate than the stupid weather reports that sometimes are completely off. Kind of amazing at how far 3D printing has come, especially integrating it with phones.
