Saturday, November 1, 2014

Windowless Airplanes

Within a decade, scientists believe that technological innovation will allow for airplane windows to be replaced with OLED screens. These OLED screens would line the inside of the airplane cabin, which would show passengers the sky around them. This possibility not only allows passengers to see more of the sky around them, but also provides less fuel consumption. By replacing windows with these screens, airplanes can have thinner walls without the need for a heavy cabin window. A 1% reduction weight equates to a 0.75% reduction in fuel amounts- which means less carbon dioxide emissions. The OLED screens will have a resolution of 150 dpi and will display panoramic images of the outside world. Cameras outside of the plane will capture an outstanding view of the outside and remove the need for windows. This innovation will hopefully make the flying experience better for both the flyer and the environment


  1. Although this sounds really cool for people who enjoy looking things from very high, it might be a nightmare for people who are afraid of heights. I imagine that some people may have serious problems riding this when they are "exposed" to the open sky like that. Nonetheless, a very original idea.

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  3. I had seen this article myself a couple of days ago. This might sound silly, but what will those who are already scared or anxious about flying feel about windowless airplanes?
