Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Solar Power Cells Give Hope to Cleaner Energy Production

New Solar Material Converts 90% of Captured Light Into Heat
With our natural resources getting more and more depleted, the need for renewable energy has never been higher. Because of this, scientists from University of California have developed a new solar material that can convert 90% of captured sunlight into heat. How is this useful? For starters, power plants based on fossil fuel and coal burning can be easily replaced. Steam can now be produced by these solar panels, significantly reducing the amount of carbon emission. Additionally, the new solar material does not require any maintenance for several years after deployment. Unlike old solar cells, the material does not need to be changed for long periods of time. Allowing for more energy production and less power shortages because of maintenance. The future of energy is definitely looking bright. 

Read more here: 


  1. Hi Vasil, thank you for posting. Solar panels have been out in the market for nearly a decade already. With this new innovation, what are the disadvantages of this new material?

  2. I believe that the best part of this invention is that it does not require any maintenance for several years after deployment. What I would like to know is why it only converts 90% of captured sunlight into heat.
