Sunday, November 23, 2014

Imagination and Reality flow in different ways in our brain

Different scientist in the University of Wisconsin-Madison have been working on able to untangle the way that our brains work. They have studied EEG waves and everything else that people have been doing but they have come upon something new and exciting. They are beginning to find out that a lot of things in human and animal brains are directional. Directional in the sense that neural signals move from one part of the brain to another in specific paths. One thing they found out is the way that the neural signals between imagination and reality run. When we begin to imagine things neural signals parietal lobe of the brain to the occipital lobe, which means that it goes from a higher region to a lower one. When we process virtual things that we see, the neural signals run in the opposite direction. 

To read more:

1 comment:

  1. Its interesting to see that we are all similar in the ways we thing. Its also surprising that animals can share the thought or idea of "imagination".
