Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bracelet Could Cut Energy Cost

Wristify is a bracelet that uses psychological perception to reduce the need for air conditioning. What it is a small battery powered bracelet that heats or cools a small section of the wearer's wrist, making miserable conditions feel more manageable. It works based on the idea of skin's adaptability to temperature constants and skin's overresponse to temperature change. Wristify changes the temperature five to nine degrees, only a small change needed to create a noticeable difference. One wearer of the prototype said " The moment I took of Wrisify, I wanted to be back to its pulsing, cooling embrace". Hopefully, the product will reduce a consumer's need for air conditioning on full blast- a psychological approach to reducing energy costs. The company uses a solid state thermoelectric element coupled with heat sinks to adjust the temperature of device. On top of that, the company projects to create bluetooth integration, much like smart thermostats or ACs. Hopefully, the company finds a way to market this product cost-effectively.



  1. Wow, I would definitely think of investing in a product like this once I am always either too hot or too cold. You might not even have to wear a coat in the winter!

  2. Reminds me of the placebo affect with drugs and the phenomenon of believing you're sick onsets symptoms. This psychological approach is definitely a creative way in fixing a problem, and should definitely be explored more across different fields.
