Saturday, November 15, 2014

Planet X Exists

Beyond Neptune, our solar system is vast and unchartered. Astronomers have recently discovered many dwarf planets that orbits our sun in the Kuiper Belt. This is exciting news, because it means that there are other celestial bodies in our solar system that we have never discovered. Many of these bodies could have had the potential to sustain life at one point. In 2012, Astronomers proclaimed the existence of a Planet X (also known as Nibiru), which is 15 times larger than Earth. The reason for this proclamation is because of a skewed orbit of dwarf plants around the sun, possibly being affected by the gravitational pull of a large celestial body. This body could be the 9th planet in our solar system (Pluto is not a planet). The Planet X theory was dismissed as childish and non sensical by the scientific community. New satellite imagery has led to a change in thought however, and now the Planet X theory has come back to life.

More info on this here:


  1. Could this planet be a viable option for us to use? Does it seem to be able to sustain life the same way that earth does?

  2. Do scientists know how the planet looks like and if it can sustain life, or do they just know that it exists?
