Friday, November 21, 2014

Growing Food Crops In Space

It seems that as our technology improves, we become more intrigued with our solar system. It has become very necessary for many scientists to go to space because there is so much waiting to be discovered. By making space shuttles more efficient, we have been able to make more successful trips to outer space. However, the problem still lies that we need to wear suits and have to have a substantial amount of food because in outer space there is no oxygen. Now, scientists in Norway are researching on how to grow food in space and how the horticulture could supply space travelers with oxygen and food. The research project, which is funded by EU, will last 10 years and will be led by Ann-Iren Kittang Jost, the research chief at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Space at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. As of now, the team has not decided which plants they will try to grow, but some candidates include: tomatoes, lettuce, and soybeans. The team knows that the project will be difficult because scientists will have to learn about the interaction of the plants to their new and different environment. The goal for the Norwegian researchers is to give space explorers the means to survive and eat in a self-sustaining fashion. To learn more about this, click on the link provided below.

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