Saturday, November 1, 2014

Finger Whisper

As the world transitions further into the age of communication, we begin to see improvements every so often on cell phones.  In 1996, the idea of a finger phone developed and now the Telco NTT DoCoMo, a Japanese company, is working on just that.  It is exactly what it sounds like: a phone on your finger.  It fits like a ring, on the index finger and when you would like to call someone you simply stick your finger in your ear.  You will also be wearing a watch so that when you do call, the it converts the sounds into vibrations that are sent through the bones up to your finger.  A benefit of this technology is that it is effective in noisy environments.  The caller will not need to scream in order for the receiver to hear; the majority of sound that will be picked up is your voice. There will be many commands that could be function with different tapping sequences.
Read more at:

1 comment:

  1. Is sticking ones finger in their ear an improvement over the conventional smartphone? How functional will the display be if it only exists in a watch.
