Sunday, November 23, 2014

Doctor Shortages

Many experts are predicting that by 2025, the United States will be short by about 130,00 doctors. The reasons for this is because the average age of the population is going up. This results in the need for more doctors. Also, the baby boomers are starting to enter retirement, which will cause many doctors from the work force to exit and also qualify thousands for Medicare. The field of medicine is trying to promote medicine to young individuals in order to make up for the people that will need doctors. But others are saying this is a bad idea. Training a doctor is expensive, and the costs could skyrocket. Also, there are other professions, such as nurses, that could help cover the shortage.

The full article can be found here

1 comment:

  1. How could we solve this problem? Do you think that creating robots for doctors would be efficient?
