Saturday, November 8, 2014

Half Robot Cockroaches Could Save Your Life

In modern day society people have taken a rather grim stance on how we view the common cockroach. What we do not realize is that one day these surprisingly resilient bugs can be used to inspect hazardous environments. Specifically, their stable little bodies can be incorporated in rescue missions in urban areas of distress. Scientist at North Carolina State University have been able to connect a small circuit board to roaches in order to control them directly through their nervous system. Being roughly the size of two quarters, these cyborg bugs can be used to capture sounds of people in trouble through a 3 directional microphone. Many possible uses can be predicted at this stage, but some further testing is required. Who would have thought that cockroaches, known for scaring moms and kids for being in the cupboard, would actually be helpful. 


  1. I find it really efficient that we have found a way to use cockroaches for our benefit. I believe that because they can live for so long and can withstand a nuclear explosion that controlling them will help us gather a lot of information.

  2. I find this really clever, utilizing things that normally people view as having no use. Also Andres made a good point about them being able to withstand explosions. These cockroaches can be very useful in times of danger.

  3. A very innovative solution to the dealing of housepests! I can see other applications for this as well, such as attaching a camera to the roaches as well.
