Sunday, November 30, 2014

Re-Usable Plastic

        Researchers at North Dakota State University have successfully made a plastic that, when exposed to a certain light, can be reduced back into molecules and used to create new plastic. These researchers focus on biomass, cellulose, oilseed, lignin, and sucrose to form the building blocks of the molecules that form the polymers that are used to make the plastic. They believe that one of modern society's greatest challenges is to reduce our dependability on fossil fuels. In their opinion, sustainability is breaking something down into its original building blocks, sort of like leggos, which is exactly what they are trying to accomplish with this new plastic. This has the potential to not only reduce pollution, but also to pave the way for the creation of other materials using the same concept. In my opinion, I think this could be very useful in the future and can greatly benefit the environment.
More information here:

1 comment:

  1. This can be a huge breakthrough in the filed of biodegradable materials. Reminds me of the huge mass of junk floating in the Atlantic with the size of Texas. Its nice to see that progress is being made toward things like reusable, "natural" plastic.
