Monday, November 10, 2014

China claims new laser cannon shoots down drones

As I was doing some research on drones for my project I came across this really interesting post on CNN Tech. It stated that a new weapon released in China can zap target drones within a radius of 1.2 miles. The purpose of this weaponry is a safety defense system against the growing market of drones. It targets smaller drones now widely available on the market and can shoot them down just five seconds later. These smaller drones can be used by spies or terrorists.

I think that in the future drones may be legal to operate freely and technology like this will be needed. As the drone market grows so does the risk of drone related crime causing technology like laser cannons to be in demand. It is still a very scary and young concept so there is a lot of time before stuff like this can be implemented into everyday life but this is a good start. 

For more information

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sebastian, thank you for sharing. I think this is an excellent approach to the growing market for drones. I feel that China's approach to drone defense is very cost effective because it does not require another aircraft. I'm curious as to how this laser technology will work. What is the science behind it?
