Friday, November 7, 2014

Robotic Scallops

Scientists have created microscopic scallops that are going to greatly benefit doctors and specialists with patients with damaged cells. The scallops, which are barely visible to the naked eye, can swim through bodily fluids and repair damaged cells or deliver medicine. When the scallops enter the bodily fluids of the patients, such as blood or eyeball fluids, they move back and forth, mimicking the swimming of scallops that are seen in the ocean. This technique of swimming backward and forward is very efficient in liquids that can grow thicker or thinner. The creation of the robotic scallops is also efficient because they do not need much power to be able to move that way. They do not require batteries or motors. Instead, they only require the energy provided by an external magnetic field. To learn more about the robotic scallops, click on the link provided below.


  1. Man it sounds kind of freaky to put something like this inside yourself. Like imagine knowing that there's this microscopic robot floating around in you, something you have no control over. Sounds like a it could be used for many beneficial things however.

  2. How exactly is the "external magnetic field" provided for the robotic scallops within the body?
