Sunday, October 5, 2014

Aquaman Crystal

Swimming underwater is a beautiful feeling, especially when you have goggles on and you can see the beauty that is the sea. The only problem is that you can only swim underwater and hold your breath for so long. Some solutions to this problem include snorkels or oxygen tanks. However, the problem with both of these solutions is that they have limitations. With snorkels the swimmer can only swim fairly close to the surface. An oxygen tank also has its limitations because it is heavy and does not allow the swimmer that much freedom. Fortunately for people who want to experience the sea as the creatures who have gills, scientists have created a crystal called the “aquaman crystal” that can allow humans to breathe underwater. The crystal is capable of absorbing all of the oxygen in a room and store it at a much higher concentration than oxygen tanks. It is also more efficient than oxygen tanks because only a spoonful of the crystal is required to successfully suck the oxygen out of a room, meaning that it is much lighter. Professor Christine McKenzie stated, "a few grains contain enough oxygen for one breath, and as the material can absorb oxygen from the water around the diver and supply the diver with it, the diver will not need to bring more than these few grains”. To learn more about this proposition, click on the link provided below.



  1. Hi Andres! Thank you for sharing. It is very interesting to see your take on these crystals. Besides development in marine activities, where else do you would you see potential research for these crystals? Are the produced crystals economically viable?

    1. I would see these crystals helping out patients who have difficulties breathing because of diseases such as lung cancer.

  2. This sounds absolutely crazy, in a good way. Reminds more of a sci-fi movie where people can breathe underwater. Regardless, I can see many, many uses for this in the future. It will definitely allow a more thorough understanding our seas and oceans.

    1. I completely agree with you! Once the crystals become open to the public, people are going to be able to explore the sea to an even greater extent.

  3. Wow, this is such an interesting article! I would love to purchase this. Speaking of which, do you know how much this item would cost once it is on the commercial market? Also, you were talking about limitations, so is there a time limitation for how long you can stay underwater for? Or does the crystal continue to absorb oxygen for as long you are underwater?

    1. The crystal will continue to absorb oxygen because there is oxygen in water. This means that you will never run out of oxygen underwater as long as you have the crystal. I am unsure about how much the crystal will be priced at once it hits the market unfortunately.
