Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Formation of Life on Earth

Scientists have recently found out that the diversification of early animals may have been stalled by the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. A new analysis of ancient rocks have been conducted, and it has shown that oxygen levels were less than 1 percent what they were today, potentially stalling early life. Until recently, scientists have been puzzled by the lag in earths evolutionary timeline. 2.3 billion years ago, a species of bacteria called cyanobacteria were producing oxygen. This was known as the great oxygenation event. After this event happened, growth slowed for a long while, and scientists like to call the time after this event the boring billion. It was not until 800 million years ago that multicellular organisms came about on earth.


  1. Wow this really goes to show how young we are as humans. Do you think that it's possible for us to evolve even more in the future?

  2. Is it possible that this bacteria still exists? And can we harness it and grow it to produce more oxygen.
