Thursday, October 30, 2014

HP Unveils Plan to Make 3-D Printing an Everyday Thing

HP one of the well known technology giants recently announced the launch of a 3D Printer they claim will be 10 times faster than current models available to the public. The "multi-jet fusion" 3D printer is scheduled for release in 2016 and has been launched in an effort for HP to boost performance. This new technology changes the 3D printing market as it seems these printers will be more easily available to the public. With tech giants joining the market there will be more advertising of these printers and having them at home will become something normal. It’s not like it’s hard to get a hold of a 3D printer today, but like was said they are slow and bulky plus very expensive. As these companies join the market and competition grows 3D printers will be faster and user friendly. The fact that HP claims the “multi-jet fusion” will be 10 times faster is something exciting for us the consumers. 

More Information at: BBC


  1. Although these printers may be 10 times faster, will it be able to keep the quality of the product? Could it also even be better?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Are these printers meant for in-home use, or are they more geared towards labs and tech companies? Also, what would be the price range for this product? As you may be familiar with, money is pretty tight these days, so this would have to be an accessible product.

  4. How precise is this machine? Could it make very small things, like a needle?

  5. Is HP still on track to make these after their split in the company? When will these products be available? 3D printing is an incredible field that will have a huge impact on the way we live.

  6. could this mean that people could potentially have a 3-D printer as a desktop tool in their offices? How far in the future would it be before this was a reality?
