Sunday, October 19, 2014

Robots as Co-Workers

There have always been many people who believe that robots are the future. Some of these people
fear this because they believe that the robots will take over their jobs. However, there is a 8.2 million dollar project in Europe known as the Symbiotic Human Robot Collaborative Assembly that is working hard on programming robots that will serve as co-workers. This means that instead of the robots completely taking over jobs, the robots will aid and collaborate with humans. This project is unique in the sense that other factories have robots and humans segregated. Those working on the project are optimist because they believe that by having people and robots working together, it will guarantee employment, improve efficiency, and make the production system "more robust and flexible". The robots designed and programmed in this project would perform tasks such as heavy lifting, and would also ensure the safety of the humans who are working alongside them. To learn more about this project, click on the link provided below.


  1. I still have a feeling that this may reduce payment for potential workers as they are doing less. But in a grander scale, it will also increase production efficiency.

  2. I agree with Vasil. Although this may have advantages for efficiency and accuracy when it comes to the quality of the work, a lot of people are going to lose jobs and are going to be discarded because they are not going to be needed anymore.

  3. This may bring more unemployment, but I think that there is a small chance that it will actually solve the problem of robots replacing humans. I think that this is a good way to introduce more robots into the work force while still allowing humans to continue working.
