Friday, October 31, 2014

Robotic Retirement Helpers

"Over the next 20 years the ratio of people over the age of 65 to the number of people under 65 is going to change rather dramatically” Colin Angle, CEO of Roomba maker iRobot. With this influx of elderly people, passive robotic technology designed to aid the elderly will become more prevalent. The company iRobot is on the frontier of this expanding industry. They're most popular robot is the Roomba vacuum cleaner. This device is an automated vacuum that can clean floors without anyone pushing it or monitoring it. Another device created by  Yujin Robot, a Korean company, can travel around a hospital or elderly care center and can deliver meals. With innovations like these, robots that are able to function and interact with elderly people are not far away.

1 comment:

  1. I think the use of technology such as a robotic helper is becoming "too much". If I were an elder, I would much rather have that personally connection with a real person rather than seeing a robot always around me.
